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Publishing details and disclosure pursuant to §25 of the Austrian Media Act
via donau Österreichische - Wasserstraßen-Gesellschaft mbH
Donau-City-Straße 1
1220 Vienna
Phone +43 (0) 50 4321 1000
Fax +43 (0) 50 4321 1050
Commercial register number FN 257 381b
Wien, Vienna Commercial Court
Data-processing registration number: 1052748 VTA
identification number: ATU 612 99 106
viadonau is a waterway operator that executes sovereign functions on behalf of the federal government in the areas of inland waterways and waterway transport. In addition to the tasks of waterway administration and transport development, viadonau both operates and further develops DoRIS – a communication system providing river information services with regard to Danube navigation.
DI Hans-Peter Hasenbichler
Supervisory board
Ferry Elsholz, DI Vera Hofbauer, Mag. Birgit Mair-Markart, Mag. Kerstin Neumayer, Petra Riffert, Michael Takács, MSc. BA, MA, Mag. Christian Schramm, DI Bernhard Lager, Christian Persch
Basic purpose of this website
This website is owned by via donau - Österreichische Wasserstraßen-Gesellschaft mbH.
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