Linz | voestalpine
Located at river Danube
Located at km: 2127.16, Right bank
General port information
- Dry bulk
- Break bulk
- Name:voestalpine Stahl Linz GmbH
- voestalpine-Strasse 3, 4020 Linz, Austria
- Phone:+43 50 304 - 15
- Fax:+43 50 304 - 55
- E-Mail:
- Name:Peter Breitenfellner
- Address:Lunzerstraße 41, 4030 Linz
- Phone:+43 732 6585-3277
- E-Mail:
Additional contact person
- Name:Bereitschaft Entlademannschaft
- Phone:+43 / 5030 / 4157-3601
Handling facilities and devices
- Covered water transshipment
Gantry crane
- Quantity:8
- Max. lifting capacity:36 to. (single use)
Mobile crane
- Quantity:1
- Max. lifting capacity:3 to. (single use)
Storage facilities
- Open storage area
- Covered storage area
Customs office
- Name:Markus Fischer
- Address:Lunzerstraße 41, 4030 Linz,
- Phone:+43 732 6598-9173
- E-Mail:
Maintenance and disposal facilities
- Waste disposal
- Fresh water supply
- Onshore power supply
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Wasserstraßen-Gesellschaft mbH
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